My primary business is negotiating short sales for homeowners in Washington State. I primarily negotiate in Spokane County but always have a handful of short sales in process in the Seattle area too. Even though my business is short sales, when I sit down with a potential client I always make sure they have exhausted all of their options specifically around the desire, if they have any, to keep their house. Though the statistics are overwhelming that most borrowers attempting to modify their loan will be declined, it is my belief that if you want to stay in your home, you should at least try.
How you try will determine your likelihood at failure or success with the loan modification.
This is why I developed the Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification Kit. Since I don’t negotiate loan modifications anymore (We decided to focus only on short sales) I created this free resource for our clients to help them look into loan modification. Like I said before, if you want to try and save your home through a loan modification, I think you should do it. Just don’t go in unarmed and make sure you follow these guidelines to increase your success.
For a free download of the Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification Kit, visit our website at: