
Buy now? Or shall I wait for Prices to Decline?

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker, Mulleady, Inc. Realtors 42118

As a Realtor, I’m often asked that question and it frustrates me to hear otherwise rational people talking about home ownership the way a speculator might talk about the price of gold.  Nobody needs gold, but everyone needs a place to live.

If you’ve found the house you love, you intend to make it your home for the long haul, and the financials add up, why would you wait?

Trying to time the housing bottom is as much folly as trying to time stocks or any other investment vehicle.  In fact, it’s greater folly because if housing prices do fall further, it’s likely to be because mortgage rates are rising, which would mean that over the long term that slightly lower price you may have paid could end up costing more in carrying costs than you saved.  Furthermore, how much lower could prices go?  The economy can’t get much worse than it’s been in the past three years and the difficulty in getting a mortgage couldn’t be much greater.

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Dawn Crawley
Dawn Crawley Realty - Pinehurst, NC
Find Pinehurst Homes

Exactly! You can know when you have hit bottom. Imagine if you waited for the stock market to hit bottom last time before you bought. Even if you got the DOW when it was at 8,000 you are still better off today even though it eventually dropped to 6,000! 

Oct 12, 2011 12:10 PM
Alan Grizzle
Chestatee Real Estate - Dahlonega, GA
Full Time Realtor, Lifelong Resident of Dahlonega


A simple formula may help you get your point across to some buyers. On a 30 year mortgage for the monthly payments to equal out if the interest rate goes up 1% the house price has to go down 10%.

For example $200,000 at 5% for 30 years is $1,073.64 and $180,000 at 6% is $1,079.16. Those numbers are principal and interest only.

Good luck to you.

Oct 12, 2011 12:14 PM
Charles Walk

Of course it makes sense in this market to wait to see how much lower the interest rates will go. However, if you find your dream home, will it still be there for you when you decide that the market has bottomed out?

Oct 12, 2011 01:26 PM