(NOT SO) Wordless Wednesday: Hear No Evil
What a positive message for a Wednesday or for any day!
Plus, you’ll get a kick out of the goat!
As a reminder of the importance of living well, this helpful post is worth sharing with you!
Compliments of Beverly Femia - Coastal Area Living in Hampstead, NC 910-279-9794 www.CoastalAreaLiving.com
Via - Joni Staples Joni Staples, REALTOR® Broker Associate (936) 650-9017 of Riverside TX
Wordless Wednesday: Hear No Evil
I previewed a house for a buyer the other day and this goat was in the pasture next door. At a distance, I couldn’t figure out what was different, but when she got closer, it was obvious. WHERE’s her ears?
Then I got to thinking about how the things that we hear affect what we think.
Think about it...
Music stirs the soul. I have been driving down the road and moved to tears by a song on the radio. The words stay with you long after the song is over.
On the other hand, I can just as easily have anger build up quickly at some of the goofy things talk radio has on it. WHY do we subject ourselves to this stuff?
Don’t get me started on soap operas and daytime TV!
We really need to guard our ears! What goes into our mind, affects our thoughts AND our actions.
If you want to enjoy peace....
try this tactic...
Hear no evil!
Copyright (C) Joni Staples (936) 650-9017 www.HuntsvilleHomeSource.com
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