Break out the carving kits and warm up the cider, it's that time of year again. Prep time is here for the dentist's favorite holiday - All Hallow's Eve (or Halloween if you are a tad more modern).
If you're still looking for that perfect gourd, here's a website that lists almost all of the patches in Southwest Washington, some with lots of fun activities to go along with your hunt.
Whether you stay in or head out with all the ghosts and ghouls, here's a website with some tips on how to have a safe Halloween.
If you don't want to walk the neighborhoods tricking and treating, Westfield Mall is having a neat trick or treat on Halloween with its stores, here's the link for that info:
I wish all of you a safe and happy Halloween! Of course, remember, if you don't have a door that kids come knocking on to get their treats, I can help you find one, and the new home it is attached to :)
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