
Just call - nothing bad happens

Real Estate Agent with Seven Gables Real Estate

nancy loves to type, email, think, analyze and whatever else she does overthere. I just like to pick up the phone and call. Depending on the person -- weekly, monthly or every six weeks. It takes no time and rejection does not bother me. I just say "Next" and make the next call. Sometimes I get the rush and some rudeness, and then 4 weeks later - they ask me about foreclosures. You just never know. My point - just call and keep calling until they become hot again or change their number.

 Have a great day,

Todd Moeller, QSC, Realtor


Orange County Real Estate, Serving Anaheim Hills

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Lanette Branch
Taylor Properties - Bel Air, MD
Bel Air, MD Real Estate Agent

Todd, the worst thing they can do is hang up on you and that's really not so bad, relatively speaking.  The best thing that can happen is you get some business.

Gotta go -- I have some calls to make.

Oct 30, 2007 04:04 AM
Nancy Brenner
Referral Associates of Georgia, Inc. - Roswell, GA
Roswell Georgia Real Estate Agent
Hey!!!   THIS Nancy makes phone calls!  LOL
I totally agree with you, Todd.
If you don't want to talk to me just say so....   It won't hurt my feelings either.
My phone list is a long one!  There is always someone to call!
Oct 30, 2007 04:07 AM
Chris Pollinger
Berman & Pollinger, LLC. - San Diego, CA
Consulting for Luxury Teams and Brokerages
Consistency is everything, although I can't imagine anyone being rude or hanging up on you. 
Oct 31, 2007 04:44 AM
Nancy Moeller
Seven Gables Real Estate - Anaheim Hills, CA
You are the best I know on the phone T ... keep it up,
Oct 31, 2007 04:14 PM
Catherine Sinocruz
Coldwell Banker Select Real Estate - Reno, NV
Broker-Salesperson, ABR, GRI, CRS


When is the best time to call people?  I seem to get voicemail most of the time.  I leave a message of course and also follow up with email.


Nov 12, 2007 02:40 PM