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Today; 10/14/11

Real Estate Agent with Carolina One Real Estate

High 81  Low  54  Mostly Sunny
"Never mistake motion for action." - Ernest Hemingway
Al says - Senior Texting Code:
              FWIW - Forgot where I was...
Blackberry - service is back to normal. -
                    after 3 days of interrupted service...
Mortgage Rates - for 30 year fixed rate loans averaged -
                            4.12% this week. ...
Looking thru the Milkglass - Bad decisions, -
                                            make good stories...
"Strawberries pack the double punch of high levels of vitamin C
                                     and ellagic acid", says Howard Murad, MD, -
                                     FAAD, an associate clinical professor of -
                                     dermatology at UCLA's Geffen School of -
                                     Medicine. Vitamin C is essential for the -
                                     production of collagen and acts as an -
                                     antioxidant to prevent environmental -
                                     damage. ...           www.prevention.com
Google's - net up 26% for the 3rd quarter...
Word for Today - cosmogony - \koz-MOG-uh-nee\ - n. - 1. A theory or story of the origin and -
                                                                                            development of the universe. ...
Thought for Today - "We don't see things as they are,
                                  we see them as we are."
                                           ~Anals Nin
Does anything else really matter?