Special offer

Not endorsed by "the Beebs... or my Uncle Louie..."

Services for Real Estate Pros with Promo-Plates car nameplates by Ameri-Plates

But then again the Beebs or my Uncle Louie are not in the Real Estate business.  As far as I can tell, they've never been in the Real Estate business.   What's important is, PrimeLinx car nameplates are endorsed by those who are in the RE Biz.


Here's a short 1 minute video.    Click here.

We love our customers.   They're all great people who have made their mark in Real Estate long before they ever heard of PrimeLinx.    So why did they order?

Call it spur of the moment inspiration, or a desire to stay on top.  Whatever the reason these Realtors seem to have an sixth sense about attracting new business.

They know PrimeLinx will always be with them.   We've been doing that since 1998.