How to Get More Construction Leads
Construction leads are important to contractors who want to stay in business. Without consistent leads, a construction business is bound to fail. The question many contractors ask to avoid failure is, “How do I get more construction leads?” With a few simple steps, you will be able to generate more construction leads in a shorter period of time and with less work.
The first step to gaining construction leads is something every contractor knows and has probably heard a million times- get an internet presence. Being on the internet is important to gaining more construction leads. With 2,095,006,005 current internet users, if your construction company is not online yet, you are missing out on a great deal of potential business. There are a few ways a contractor can go about getting construction leads online.
1. Construction Leads From Your Website: Having a nice website with useful information is a great way to become visible and gain construction leads. Many construction companies have websites, but they don’t perform any maintenance to them. That is the same things as a homeowner not maintaining their home – after some time it is going to look like crap and it won’t be a safe structure. If you’re construction company is serious about gaining more construction leads, have a well maintained website with useful information.
2. Social Media Directs Construction Leads to You: Social media is obviously a new and extremely popular to for generating construction leads. Because sites like Facebook are so popular and used by millions daily, it is important to at least consider connecting your company to one of these networks. The more people that see your company and have the opportunity to interact with you, the better. Being connected to social networking sites allows current or past customers to write positive reviews about you, potentially bringing new construction leads to your company.
If you want to generate more construction leads faster, start gaining more business from your current and past customers. Now, if you think that calling your customers out of the blue is going to get you more business, think again. In order for past clients to consistently bring you construction leads, follow these steps:
1. Continuous Relationships Bring Construction Leads: When working in someone’s home, there is a trust and relationship that is built between the homeowner and the business owner. Now, imagine you finish the project and never see, talk, or reach out to your client again. This is similar to taking a girl to dinner and “DESSERT” and never calling her again – it’s simply rude. Will the homeowner have any desire to send you construction leads if they never hear from you again? Maybe, but probably not. The best way to gain contractor leads after nailing a homerun with your client’s construction project is to keep this new relationship rolling. Sending a thank you card at the end of the project, sending a holiday card, or a before & after picture of the project is a great way to build a continuous relationship with your client. The happier you make your clients, the more they will come back and refer their friends to you - Construction leads.
2. Tell Your Clients What You Want – Construction Leads: There is a thin line you don’t want to cross when asking for construction leads. If you blatantly say, “I want leads in return for my great service”, you will make the client uncomfortable, finding yourself without any construction leads. Instead, make the client as comfortable as possible by using a 3rd party story. “I once had a client that saw tremendous value my construction company delivered to her. She even offered to pay more for what we had done. I obviously didn’t accept that offer, but I was pleasantly surprised by the 2 construction leads and referrals she gave me. I appreciated that more than the check! I love when my clients and I deliver great value to each other.” A story like this allows your clients to draw similarities to their construction project, and it gets your point across in a comfortable and professional manor.
3. Create Incentives for Referred Construction Leads: People love games, contests, and prizes – so use this to gain more construction leads. A simple way is to announce a contest to your current & previous clients (reinforcing the continuous relationship). Try announcing an iPad give away – every person that refers construction leads to you will have their named entered into a raffle to win a free iPad. Many contractors agree that fun games with great incentives have been an effective tactic to gaining construction leads.
Generating construction leads can be difficult. But once you have certain processes in place, construction leads will be flowing to your business consistently. If your company is struggling to get the amount of construction leads it needs, contact Maintenance Man. We are a team of professionals that help companies like you succeed by growing your construction business. Our business development programs are designed for one thing – success!