
Getting Ready for that Virtual Tour

Services for Real Estate Pros with Virtual Tours Plus!


Hurry up and clean up the photographer is on their way for our Virtual Tour...

Hello, we are Virtual Tours Plus! a Virtual Tour Provider here in Moore County North Carolina. This is something I am certain that happens at every house hold across the country when their agent tells them they are having a Virtual Tour done on their home. It is almost amusing to imagine the chaos that occurs right before we arrive, Mom running around with a baby in her arm yelling upstairs to the other kids to make sure they make their beds...  It doesn't have to be this way! Here are some tips on how to prepare:


1. Toilet lids down!

2. All the lights on, ceiling fans OFF

3. Blinds all pulled half way open and turned down so the light does not reflect in the camera

4. Blankets stored away and out of site under the bed can be a good place as long as they are not visable from any angle.

5. Remove all the magnets and artwork from the front of the Refrigerator.

6. Place mats tend to look cheesy unless you have set the table

7. Move all vehicles from the drive way or put them in the garage with the doors closed

8. Think about how the sun light hits the home glare on photos from the sun can really ruine a photo although technology has helped with this lately it is still difficult to remove the sun from photos. If the majority of the houses windows are on the side of the house the sun shines in at 10am probably not a good idea to do the tour then better in the evening and visa versa.

9. As much as you love your pets others may not view your home just because your pets are in the photos so please hide them or make sure they stay out of the photographers way

10. Sweep sidewalks and driveways


Of course the basic cleaning needs to be done, vaccum, dishes out of the sink etc...   Don't be offended if the photographer moves things around including furniture... They are just trying to make the shots look the best they possibly can and help sell the home!

Have more questions?

Visit our website for our Frequently Asked Questions site, if you still need help please feel free to email us!

Lacey Conn

Virtual Tours Plus!

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Christopher Smith
TREGO REALTY - Cedar Rapids, IA
Good advice Lacey, especially the toilet seat!caimiti
Oct 30, 2007 08:47 AM