
Nice People Still Left In The World?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Inno-Vision 360° Imaging

There ARE some nice people still left in the world.  We received one of the nicest compliments the other day from a home owner who really appreciated the hard work we put in to our tours and theirs as well.  They went so far as to give us a "a little something extra" included with our normal fee for the "outstanding job" we did.  By no means am I bragging but I think I was walking 10 feet tall after I read their note.  LOL!  Why can't there be more people like that around to give ya that boost ya need sometimes.  It's rare to find someone who sees the hard work that is put into something and tells you so!  I hope everyone meets someone like this once in a while.

Just my thoughts.....




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Rebecca Savitski
BSR Real Estate Group - Cary, NC
NC Real Estate Listings

Last Friday at a normal closing- my client handed me a jar of spicy pear preserves. I could have kissed her, she made my day. So yes there are exceptionally nice people left in the world the trick is to be a nice person yourself!!


Oct 30, 2007 10:21 AM
Alicia and Brandon Revels
Inno-Vision 360° Imaging - Stanley, NC
I couldn't agree more!  Sometimes it's the littlest things that make the BIGGEST difference!  I love the small things in life don't you?
Oct 30, 2007 10:34 AM
Karen Webster...Grand Rapids, MI Realtor
5 Star Real Estate, Grand Rapids MI - Grand Rapids, MI
Glad they noticed and appreciated what you did,  Sorry it doesn't happen more often.
Oct 30, 2007 11:14 AM
Alicia and Brandon Revels
Inno-Vision 360° Imaging - Stanley, NC
I think all would be right with the world if it did happen more often.  I wouldn't mind spicy pear preserves either!! I'm hungry LOL!
Oct 30, 2007 11:19 AM
Mehmet Met Dilsiz
FND Photography / M2 Real Estate Solutions - Midvale, UT

Not many people stop to compliment something they like, as much as people getting out of their way to complain...

With that said, I'm sure all your clients feel the same way, considering the quality of your work, but not many will take the extra step to say thank you  :)

Keep doing your great work, and I'm sure you will receive more "Thank Yous" along the way...


Oct 31, 2007 07:48 AM
Alicia and Brandon Revels
Inno-Vision 360° Imaging - Stanley, NC
Add everyone to the NICE PEOPLE list as well who's responded to this blog.  =)
Oct 31, 2007 07:58 AM
Linda Sabiston
First Impression Photography & Virtual Tours - Gibsons, BC

A compiment like that is one of the best feelings in the world. But what's even better is when you compliment someone on something they've done...just knowing how I've made someone else feel is even more rewarding.


Keep up the great work!

Nov 02, 2007 08:55 AM
Kim Peasley-Parker
AgentOwned Realty, Heritage Group, Inc. - Sumter, SC

I had a seller give me (the buyer's agent) a gift card to Red Lobster!  She works in our office and I always answered her questions when she asked.  She appreciated it so much she and her husband gave me the card.  I about cried.  Then a week later, I received a gift card for Chili's from two guys who are partners in a construction company.  I sold two of their homes and they were so happy they gave me a gift card.  Again, the tears were about ready to fall. 

There are nice people in the world, it is just that people don't stop to show appreciation anymore. 

Nov 02, 2007 11:35 AM
Alisa McKeel Willson
Appraisal Pros in Texas - Huntsville, TX
Certified Res. Appraiser

Just think how great it would be if we took the time to send a letter to the boss of someone each week who did something nice or went out of their way for us? (I loved that move "Pay it Forward", can't you tell?)

I had excellent service from a sales agent in a KB Homes Sales was a new construction and they require a lot of assistance from the builder.  The right attitude on the part of the agent is invaluable!

I haven't written a letter of appreciation in years (I'm embarrassed to say) but she was so good I felt I had to!  Now I know KB Homes is very good to employees who receive "atta boys" in the mail so I hope they give her someting good if not the raise I suggested!

I hope she feels as good about it as you do, Alicia.


Nov 02, 2007 12:06 PM
Barbara-Jo Roberts Berberi, MA, PSA, TRC - Greater Clearwater Florida Residential Real Estate Professional
Charles Rutenberg Realty - Clearwater, FL
Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Safety Harbor
there are plenty of nice people out there - sometimes they just seem a little harder to find!
Nov 03, 2007 02:34 AM
Trish Edmonds
Ad Vantage Virtual Tours, LLC - Jacksonville, FL

Great customer service can be difficult to find at times.  So glad they made the effort to show their appreciation - keep up the great work.

Nov 03, 2007 06:10 PM