
Cost of College Again Tops Inflation Rate

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams

           I have written in this newsletter before about the wisdom of owning instead of renting housing for your children during their college years.  As the cost of a college education continues to escalate, it becomes increasingly important to save at every opportunity.

            Tara Jordan, the agent who joined me a couple of months ago, and I are currently investigating ways to get this message out to as many parents of college age or soon to be college age students as we can.  Tara is passionate about this housing option because her parents, who had three children in college at the same time, utilized the own vs rent strategy and they can testify it works.

            We plan to coordinate with other realtors in all cities throughout Texas where universities are located.  No matter what university you student chooses, we will be able to help them find a home.  In other words, if your child is headed to Texas A&M, we want to refer you to an agent in the College Station area who will assist you in finding a property that suits your needs.  

            We are currently arranging speaking engagements in high schools across our area and at Tech, LCU, and South Plains College.  Our goal is to reach as many students and their parents as we can to discuss the possibility of saving them thousands of dollars in housing costs.

            If you have students in college or soon to be in college, and you have an interest in owning a home instead of renting, please call or email for more information.  We will keep you informed about the times and locations we will be presenting programs.  We look forward to meeting you and discussing your specific needs.

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Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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Aug 13, 2016 07:24 AM