

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Golden Empire

My market has seen some drastic changes in the last Few months, Our inventory has drastically deacresed while our demand has increased, this has some buyers confused since they Watch and listen to the news and hear that there is millions of homes been foreclosed and that market is flooded by homes for sale, not here, and I'm just talking about the Central Valley in California and specifically in the Kern county area. My study which was done from September 2010 to September 2011 and was done for the entire City Of Bakersfield with properties priced from $50,000 to $150,000 and reveals that Demand has increased 6% and Inventory has decreased 42%, this has created certain frustration with buyers and Some Real Estate Professionals but this is due to lack of Understanging of what's happening in the market. if you know your market and have the ability to communicate with your buyers they will make better offers and will know that is not you but the Market that is making it difficult to get offers accepted

Supply And Demand

Posted by


DRE CA.Lic. #01192175

 3955 Coffee Rd Bakersfield, CA 93308

         Fax 661-670-5201



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JOSH EVANS *JoshEvansHomes 516-655-5000
Village Properties of Mineola, LLC - Mineola, NY

Great blog. Good job and keep up the good work. Good luck this year. 

Oct 23, 2011 05:18 PM
Yvette Chisholm
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Rockville, MD
Associate Broker - Rockville, MD 301-758-9500

Real estate is local indeed.   That is why an experienced agent is a buyer's best bet!   Declining prices lead people to think they can steal homes.   They can't they can get a good deal, but nobody is going to give the house away - except maybe a bank.

Oct 23, 2011 05:18 PM
Scott Jones
Coldwell Banker - South Lake Tahoe, CA
Lake Tahoe RE Specialist

Great blog - especially since I'm right up the road from you (our group handles the entire Sacramento/Tahoe region).  Your statistics mirror what is going on in our valley in the Sacramento area!

Oct 23, 2011 05:18 PM
Adam Tarr
MavRealty - Phoenix, AZ
PC -GRI, ABR, CDPE, RSPS, ePro - Designated Broker

More agents need to provide this kind of data to their clients so they know the difference between local and the more commonly quoted nat'l data

Oct 23, 2011 05:41 PM