This beautiful Single Story is For Sale in Valley Fields, West Valley City UT. Valley Fields is an Ivory community in West Valley that offers the quality, stability and value that has made Ivory Homes the number 1 New Home developer and builder in Utah for 24 straight years.

This 3,086 sq. ft., 2 bath, 3 bedroom single story "Rambler/Ranch" can be seen @ 4552 S Vistas Montana Way West Valley City Utah 84128. -

MLS®1060754................................................................ $269,900. Not a short sale or pre-foreclosure.

 -  This beautiful Mapleton Ivory Home is located in a great community near schools and parks and includes many amenities such as can lighting, beech cabinets, clean steel gas appliances, staron counters, textured walls, 2 tone paint, satin nickel hardware and much more...A must see!

Property information

If this Single Story For Sale in Valley Fields West Valley City UT is not what your looking for, check out other New Homes For Sale in Salt Lake @ SLC New Homes For Sale.

You can search for all of the listed houses, condos, Townhomes, both older and newly built @  Homes For Sale in Salt Lake. You well receive photos, prices, maps and listing histories of all the homes listed in SLC no matter who the listing agent is.


When looking at New Homes, be sure the on site agent ( that represents the builder) understands that you have your own agent that will be looking after your interests if you decide to buy a New Home. That can save you a lot of money. to see why this is important read Buying a New Home.

If you don't have your own agent we would be happy to represent you. Our associates know what to look for when buying a new home.

Call us @ 801-567-0946 for any Real Estate need, or to talk about this Single Story For Sale in Valley Fields West Valley City UT.