
Things To Do In Edmonton! (& Beaumont!) December 3, 2011 Eagle Rock Golf Course & Eagles Nest Catering Present: It's a Wonderful Death!

Home Stager with Fluff My House! Home Staging Inc. 250.486.6369


Things To Do In Edmonton! (& Beaumont!) December 3, 2011 Eagle Rock Golf Course & Eagles Nest Catering Present: It's a Wonderful Death!

IAWD poster

Welcome to Bedford Falls!

Today is Christmas Eve and the town is abuzz with the news of one of their own; Harry Bailey being awarded a medal for bravery in the War!
Bedford falls paper
It's all over the front page and the quiet little town is preparing for his homecoming!

Bedford is a sleepy little town, full of hardworking people; some of whom you'll meet tonight!

  • George Bailey - Harry's older brother and owner of the Bedford Falls Savings and Loan.George Bailey










  • Henry F. Potter - owner of the rest of the town. Greedy, manipulative and an all round un-nice person, schemes how to get that one last business in his clutches.Mr. Potter












  • Mary Bailey - George's wife, She's loved George since they were children and has made a lovely home for him and their children.Mary Bailey











  • Violet Bick - the town's blonde bombshell, the girl that every boy in town wants, but she's always had a soft spot for George.Violet & Billy


  • Uncle Billy Bailey -  George and Harry's uncle and a bit forgetful at times.






  • Mrs. Gower - wife of the local pharmacist and a motherly protective woman.Mrs. Gower


  • Bert - the town's policeman.Bert the Cop


There is also a special visitor named Clarence...


Something bad happens this Christmas Eve and lives will be changed forever. Come to the Eagle Rock Golf Course in Beaumont for dinner and find out if your life will be changed too!

Call 780.449.6646 to reserve your seat!

IAWD poster

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Mimi Foster
Falcon Property Company - Colorado Springs, CO
Voted Colorado Springs Best Realtor

Very nice promo, sweet Peg.  Wish I could join you for what looks to be a very interesting evening.

Oct 25, 2011 03:36 PM
Peg Barcelo
Fluff My House! Home Staging Inc. 250.486.6369 - Summerland, BC
The FlufftasticStager from Summerland, BC

Mimigirl, me too! What fun that would be! I am Violet Bick with a long blonde wig and when the alternate reality hits I'm a dime a dance girl! It's a hoot! I'm trying to get some pix from previous shows so there might be an update to this post...

Oct 25, 2011 04:58 PM
Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Peg - All I can say is perfect casting, getting you to play the "blonde bombshell"!  Would love to see this - is it going on the road to Vancouver?...

Oct 26, 2011 09:29 AM
Peg Barcelo
Fluff My House! Home Staging Inc. 250.486.6369 - Summerland, BC
The FlufftasticStager from Summerland, BC

Sunshine Sal, if you want to scare up a company that wants a murder mystery party, we will definitely go on the road for a small fee... :D Thanx!

Oct 26, 2011 11:16 AM