Asheville Real Estate Journal- Local Gifts
We are on the road in Asheville this week- seeking treasures as we look ahead to the holidays, and as we look behind for missed opportunities.
Is it ever too early to start your collection of special treasures sooner-or-later to be given as gifts?
I don’t think so. Also is it ever too late! No way. Take a look in this mirror and you may see what I mean. When one is a creative gift-giver, looking back and looking forward can come together.
Luckily, here the mountains of Western North Carolina, we are blessed with traditional arts and crafts passed down through the generations— there are potters and weavers, and woodcrafters, and glass blowers, and quilters, and yarn artists, …Oh! I could go on and on.
One message around Asheville and WHERE EVER YOU ARE....when it comes to gifts....BUY LOCAL!!
That reminds me of the treasures to be found at Warren Wilson College. So, this week we are heading on over to Warren Wilson College (see links to other on Warren Wilson College posts below) for special finds made right at Warren Wilson College by the students of WWC!
Here are a few items we plan to check out:
Gifts-To-Be from student blacksmiths, potters, weavers and fiber arts that we’re told are created from rags and worn-out clothes from the WWC free store. Or some bamboo and organic cotton items, or functional and artistic pieces. The “Herb Crew” students have lip balm, massage salve, hard working hand salve, and a variety of teas.
All of this can be found at the Campus Store located in the lower level of Gladfelter which is right near the South Entrance at Warren WIlson. (see map)