
Save some TIME with these Realtor Set Up Tips on NEW MobileMe to Transition

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Leading Edge 71785

Save some TIME with these Realtor Set Up Tips on NEW MobileMe to Transition!

Yes, I have gone MIA lately to get my iPhone and iPad and Mac world gadgets to play in the sandbox nicely with my PC Laptops.

I have undergone a natural EVOLUTION of Realtor Gadgets. Just like Home buyers go from the Split Foyer to Two Story and then finally to the Rambler choices in my Southern Maryland Turf, I have gone from the iPod to iPads(s) to Mac to still one very good P.C. Currently the PC is still my main desk Mainstay. But never far from me is the iPAD and during free time and weekends? You bet, it is the Mac. It is just on a comfortable learning curve this way since I have a Southern Maryland Real Estate Business to run.

I have one of those over, around and under the fence type Realtor personalities which at times can be EXACTLY what you need at your side to get your home SOLD or to find the right HOME for your family.

Soooo...this also comes TRUE when there is a Pioneer type tech challenge that has just hit the Realtor Hemisphere and Blogospere #$@&.

I had MobileMe and I needed to get the brand new set up so one contact entry would hit all my gadgets with one entry.

FREEDOM! I can hear the song playing as I write the word. Simplicity! Convenience! A mobile office not of sticks and bricks and mortar but of the size of my iPad that fits in my (PORTABLE) purse. Just as Real Estate offices have downsized bigtime.

Here you go with the days and weeks... not hours... of hard earned lessons. I need a Frap after all this and that. Make it double on the whipped cream. PUN intended.

1. Get Apple Tech Help. Tier 1 then ask for Tier 2 if you hit roadblocks. I know it from memory 1-800-APL- CARE. They are great by the way. Incredible comes close. No wonder Apple is kicking butt.

2. If you get this Outlook Error message " Your imap server wants to alert you to the following: Mailbox is 95 % of quota" it MEANS your inbox has too many emails so you need to transfer them to another file or delete them. It is not a gig storage issue. It is a synonym for too much email in your inbox. Google that and you will never get the answer but MAC covered my back and got me back on track with these incessant Outlook error messages which as of late last night are remedied. Big huge unbelievable sigh of relief!

3. When you have trouble getting iCloud to work with the Outlook, it is not a matter or unloading Norton 360 or Carbonite or the list goes on of the possible programs that could cause the conflict. The top tier tech guys created a new Outlook account that is empty and acts as a filter. Presto, it works.

4. Here is a simple how to make the iCloud work description. You look at an email address. You right click and add to contacts. You go down to the icloud section and drag the new entry down to the icloud section. Think Bewitched. Think wiggle nose. Because after you finish thinking this you can go to your iPad or iPhone and the entry is there. Mind you, the notes are scant. But you can place a call on the road and figure, most of all contacts establish email communication right off the bat. If not, add them in the Outlook contact Cloud section or right on your iPad or iPhone.

5. Top Producer is lettting me Beta test their new Mobile product. They heard the anguish in me a few months ago and let me jump aboard with my Southern Maryland Feedback Ready Self. This iCloud is  cool, but there is WAYYY more data needed than mentioned via Outlook above to sell Southern Maryland Real Estate. The 8i product comes out in a month and I think it is going to be a humdinger. So far it is intuitive, simple, useful and a WOW in my Book. Check back later and take a look at how it is going as they get their NEW mobile product to work harmoniously with the iCloud.

6. So think about it, you will have contacts at your disposal anywhere and anytime. Quickbooks I hear is coming out with a cloud version in let's say half a year. We have Docusign for contracts. We have our database, our finances, our contracts ready for a Realtor day on the run. It is so much more fun when you can get your job done then have some extra time for a Southern Maryland for this Golden Gal that means with Riley Rover at her side on the NEW Fishing Creek Trail. Hail YES!

7. Time for a FRAP! I'll be back with more iCloud and Mobile Realtor Tech Tool News!

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William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA

Hi Cheryl, I started to set up the iCloud and thought it would be cool for all my photos as well. With 268GB of photos ( backed up on external hard drive) I was wondering what the cost would be. They start you off with 2GB of storage but they fail to define what the monthly charge will be for these huge type files. Just checking in to see if you have researched this as yet?

Oct 28, 2011 09:56 AM