

Home Inspector with Carolina's Best Home Inspections 1051

        I have come to realize that there is a lot of misunderstanding about what a Home Inspection is. For example, some people actually think that a Home Inspection is something that is connected with the Real Estate agent's job. It is not. A majority of home inspection referrals come through Real Estate agents. But really, the inspection has nothing to do with the agent. A Home Inspection is done independently of everyone except the one who orders it and whoever authorizes entry into the property.
        I have had people ask me to have payment of the inspection fee put in their closing costs and then acted surprised when I told them that if the property did not go to closing, the inspection fee still needed to be paid. Anyone who would expect a total stranger to spend a half day working for them plus travel for FREE has something wrong with their understanding. I think there are people who are so indoctrinated into the socialistic drift of our nation that they think the government just takes care of all of us. Some people have never had to go out and generate business and earn their own way. They just get a check from the government and don’t really understand that some of us NEVER get a check from the government. Home Inspectors earn their money independently. 
        Here is another example of misunderstanding of what a Home Inspection is. It is not unusual for people to ask me, “so will this report go to the seller?” or, “will this report be sent to the selling agent?”. This reflects a total misunderstanding of the purpose of the Home Inspection. People just don’t get it sometimes that there are still remnants of liberty and freedom here in the good old USA. Folks, when you pay for a Home Inspection, that report belongs to YOU! YOU bought and paid for it. It’s yours. It better not go out to anyone without your permission, including your own agent!  We have all become so laden with laws and government regulations that we sometimes don’t know whether to put the trash out on the left or right side of the driveway for fear we may not be in compliance.  Buyers are aware that they need appraisals, credit checks, termite inspections, a home inspection, and more when they buy a house. But they are so overwhelmed that they are ready to sign anything anywhere because they assume that it’s just part of what they are supposed to do.
        Friend, if you are buying a property in North Carolina, in either Moore, Lee, Chatham, Harnett, Cumberland, Hoke, Richmond, or Montgomery counties give Carolina’s Best Home Inspections a call. Visit our site to check out our MONTHLY COUPONS.

       Let us show you a good old fashioned, American Home Inspection with the respect and service you desreve when you are paying your hard earned money for it. We would love to do our best to be sure you understand the good, bad, and ugly about the property you are considering.  See testimonials of satisfied clients that have entrusted me with their home inspection.

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Diane Grady
Endless Summer Realty - Saint Augustine, FL

Great post. I have had buyers think that the agent is the one paying for the inspection. Crazy stuff!!! You make some great points and they should always be pointed out to buyers looking for someone to inspect!

Oct 27, 2011 02:31 PM
John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Earl - Thank you for sharing quality information on false assumptions about home inspections.

Oct 27, 2011 05:01 PM