Our team lists new construction for a handful of builders in Fayetteville, NC. When I first stepped in to the role of marketing guru about 2 years ago, we relied mostly on MLS, word-of-mouth, printed fliers, and some email blasts to get listing/event/promotion info out to our customers (selling agents). We finally got to the point where we felt like not enough poeple were hearing our message, and we knew we needed to change that.
Last November we set up our business page on Facebook (TheSingletonGroup) and were able to get a quite a few people to like the page, but there just didn't seem to be much going on. Despite the slow start, we've stayed consistent and tried to post updates daily.... We've had contests and given away money.... We've made videos and incorporated YouTube onto the page....
So what started out as a way to get information to our customers has slowly turned into a branding machine. Now, I'm not claiming to be up there with big companies who have thousands of fans, but I do feel that of the fans we do have, they are truly there because they want to know what we have going on. Plus, it's a good way for us to showcase our team's personality -- espeically those who have never worked with us before. And while I would love to have more interaction/comments from our fans, I understand that it's an easy way for people to quietly, from the comfort of their homes, get to know us.
One of the best feelings is when I'll meet agents for the first time and they'll say, "oh yeah, I saw such and such on Facebook." It's confirmation that our brand is being noticed.