I have been spreading the word about the current housing market, mostly that the media has been blasting the airwaves and newspaper with the headlines of gloom and doom. There is so much more behind the headlines that say this is the best time for someone to buy a home. Obviously the news that 98% of home owners are making their mortgage payments on time as agreed would not attract viewers, listeners or readers, or that the average rate of home value apprciation over the last 38 years in Santa Clara County has been 7.75% annually, that too would not make the front page. What is taking place is perception being more pwerful than reality, and our housing market reflects the fear that has been instilled in the minds of our clients and potential homeowners.
Now it's starting with the news of a recession....a recession? Does anyone look at the reported ecenomic numbers? I read of the recent syrvey that said 55% of those polled believed we were already in a recession! What is going on here? This is the next wave of media's perception, the facts do not support the headlines. It's up to us to keep all of our past clients, sphere of infuence and anyone we talk to knowledgeable about the facts, not just within our own housing sector, withh the economy as well....
Dare I say more?