
More Great Books - Christmas Gifts? (and a "Gift" for you!)

Managing Real Estate Broker with EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage

A couple of months back, I blogged some of my favourite books from my library.  You can check that out here>

Here are a few more that my make  great Christmas gift ideas with Christmas just around the corner!

The LAST book on this list, "The 33 Million People in the Room" is now a FREE download at - I guess you can think of that as the author's gift to you via me.


"Loving What Is" by Byron Katie

Get ready to look at a whole new way of looking at your perceptions and your reality. Byron Katie introduces you to a series of questions that allow you to look at how we perceive things in a completely different way. Reading this book has completely changed the way I think about thinking and the thoughts that make up my "reality". By questioning the validity of toughts that cause pain, anxiety and stress, we can change how we feel about ourselves and the world around us.

"Raving Fans" by Ken Blanchard

A "must read" for anyone in any aspect of customer service. One of the easiest and quickest reads in my library, Ken tells the fairy tale of Charlie, the fairy godmother (who loves a good game of golf) who arrives to take the new salesmanager under his wing and show him all the lessons he'll eever need to know about delivering customer service at a "world class" level. Anything from Ken Blanchard is well worth reading including, "High Five"," Leading at a Higher Level"," Gung Ho" and more.

"Good to Great" by Jim Collins

One of the best books on leadership ever written. Starting with the first chapter entitled "Good is the enemy of Great" Jim and his team explore what the differences are between companies that make it to "good" and what it takes to make a company truly "great", Some of the answers might surprise you. Jim interprets the reasearch in a way that is clear, providing great examples and analogies to illustrate each.

"What Got You Here Won't Get You There" by Marshall Goldsmith

And now for something completely different! (with apologies to Monty Python) Marshall shows us that it's not what you should start doing, but what you should STOP doing to move to the next level. This is one of the most refreshing books on leadership that I have read in a long time. Working on the concept that change can indeed be difficult because it often means having to completely reverse habits and old ways, Marshall points out how just stopping these same habits is much easier and often all you need to do to get out of your own way. He looks at each of the most common mistakes that people make in their relationships, how that can affect the people around you and how to avoid making them.

"CRUSH IT" by Gary Vaynerchuk

As a young boy, Gary came to North America with his parents as the Soviet Bloc dispersed. Settling in New York, he started working in his parents' liquor store at the age of 16. His understanding of social media and expertise in the area of wine has driven his parents' little liquor store to become a $80,000,000 business. In "CRUSH IT" he shows you the power of the emerging Web 2.0 and social media. If you don't understand why you should be using Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc., in this easy and fun-to-read book of less than 150 pages, Gary will really open your eyes. This is one book that is literally worth 1000s of times the cover price! You can catch his video blog at

"The 33 Million People in the Room" by Juliette Powell

Whereas "CRUSH IT!" illistrates WHY you need to get involved in social media, "33 Million People in the Room" is essential to tell you HOW to participate effectively and properly on Facebook and the other WEB 2.0 systems. Until I read this book, I had no clue how to properly be a member of the ongoing, online society. Again, this is another really quick and easy read that is worth it's weight in gold. The insights that Juliette has provided allow me to constantly see and understand why some are succeeding at a high level while many more are completely wasting their time while alienating everyone around them.


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Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Rick!

What a great list of books!! I'll check them out sometime later today and see if they are available for my kindle.

Wishing you a phenomenal 2012,


Jan 11, 2012 03:13 AM