
Updates to 123Landlord - web based property management software

Services for Real Estate Pros with

We've just released some updates to the Property screens - the following items have been added or changed:

  • Added Layout section to Property Detail - now contains Square Feet, # Bed, # Bath, Year Built
  • Added Features & Amenities section to Property Detail - contains a features browser to quickly select features of property + add your own custom ones.
  • Added Default Rent, Default Deposit, and Default Application Fee to global Settings screen.
  • Added Default Rent, Default Deposit, and Default Application Fee to Property Detail page - these are populated from the Settings on new properties, but can be overridden at the property level. These fields are intended to be used in web listings when the listing is advertised, allowing the terms of the current lease on the property to be separate from the advertised or standard rent rates, deposit amounts, etc.
  • Also added Available Date to Property Detail screen.
  • Added a Listing Description area, which is also intended to be used in conjunction with web listings - this is the promotional text used to describe the property to prospective tenants/applicants, and is now able to be separate from the Comments area, which should be used for more internal day-to-day notes about the property.