
Collecting Payments now comes with 'Quick Pay' option - 123Landlord

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When you've got a lot of payments to collect and process, it can be time consuming to click the Pay button, which takes you to the Collect Payment page, process the payment, and click 'back' to got back to the payments due list, and repeat.

Now, when you click the 'Pay' button on any entry in the Payments Due list, a "quick pay" widget is displayed, where you can enter the payment directly where you are. 

The most basic options for the payment are displayed - you can modify the date the payment was received, the amount received, and the method of payment. 

You can also add a comment.  You can then post the payment immediately, and move on the next payment due.  This will help you move through many payments much quicker than previously.

If you want to configure the accounting entries that the payment gets applied to, or change more details about the payment, you can click the 'More Payment Options' link, which takes you to the full payment page where you can make these changes before you save the payment.  Note that this link takes you to the Collect Payment page that you were taken to prior to this most recent update to  This page is still available from this link, and is always available from the Payments --> Collect a Payment link (at the top toolbar), and elsewhere in the system.