Tigers, Dragons and ....Turtles? Oh my! Last time I told you about the Green Dragon. This is only one of the Feng Shui landscape formations that brings protection and good fortune to your property. All four of these features are meant to protect your home and property from extreme weather. All of the symbols can just be considered common sense that tells us when a certain location is unhealthy or if it is pleasing. Better home location = better quality of life.
Today is the Black Turtle. The turtle is represented in your property by high, distant mountains behind your house. If you aren't lucky enough to live in the mountains, tall trees or a wall around your house can depict the Black Turtle. Even though it is a small animal, the turtle is just as important as the dragon. This symbol protects from the north wind, lashing rain and provides solid support.
The turtle is black because it is associated with the Water element in the North. Black is one of the colors of Water. The presence of the black Turtle can benefit you in your career, promotion and business success. He also symbolizes longevity, strength and endurance.
If you do not have a turtle land formation behind your home, Feng Shui considers you to be missing luck and the luck that you hand down to your children is incomplete. To fix this, place a picture of a black turtle in the rear room of your house. You could put a turtle statue outside behind your house instead. If you keep a live tortoise, it is said that over the years your lifestyle and prosperity will improve.
- place a small tortoise at your back in the office, or in the back of your garden
- use a black tortoise made from metal facing the North, as a feng shui energy enhancer for your career
- have a stone turtle looking towards the West-facing main door for protection
- build your home on a property backed by undulating hills
- buy property sited on a ridge with a sharp drop behind your house
- let the size of buildings around your home overshadow your house
On Friday, we will move to the front of your house and discuss the Red Phoenix. Let me know where you have placed your Black Turtle in the comment section below.
Copyright© 2011 Christina Rodriguez. All rights reserved.
Your story begins at home. Each room is another page that tells who you are. What is your home saying about you? Let's get together and write the definitive guide to you at christina@mydivabydesign.com, or (956) 320-1246. You can also find me at www.sassydecoratingsecrets.com, Facebook and Twitter.