Here at Wise Agent, we have been very busy redesigning the Client Summary pages – not only streamlining the existing features, but also adding many important tools to help you build better relationships with your client database.
When you click on a client’s name from anywhere in the program, you will be directed to their Summary page. Now the client’s contact information appears at the very top of the page, without wasted space for information you do not have. The buttons that were formerly across the top have now been moved to a single “Actions” drop-down menu, also saving space and reducing scrolling. Also, you can easily add a photo of your contact to their record right from any of their social media profiles. (Check out the full post about the Client Summary’s New Look for more details.)One of the new additions is the ability to Rank your clients. How do you decide how to best spend your marketing time and budget? Many of the top real estate coaches across the country have been teaching of the importance of ranking the contacts in your database. Let’s say, for example, that you want to take one client out to lunch per month. Ranking your clients allows you to quickly identify those contacts that are sending you the most referrals. (Check out the full post regarding Ranking your Clients for more details.)
Another of the new additions is our integration with Klout – a service that calculates a person’s influence across multiple social media outlets. Once connected, the orange box under the client’s photo will display their Klout score. A high Klout score indicates that the person is more likely to talk about the positive (or negative) experiences they have with you. (Check out the full post detailing Wise Agent’s Klout integration.)
The final two new features of the Client Summary pages allow you to pull your client’s recent online activity via twitter and the RSS feed. Once connected, these tools allow you to pull your client’s last 3 tweets and/or their last 4 blog posts. These additions help you to build more personal relationships with your clients, and see the whole story, all on one page. (Check out the full posts about the twitter integration and RSS feeds for more details.)
We hope you find these options a valuable addition to your database, helping you WORK WISER! If you have any questions, you can always hit the Contact Us button. And keep those suggestions coming, we’re listening!
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Berkshire Hathaway / Prudential Ca Realty - El Cajon, CA
619-504-8999,#1 Resource SD Relo
thank you very much for the informative and interesting post. I get so much out of the active rain network.
Mar 31, 2012 03:06 PM