
Guest Blogger on

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Solutions- OZARK MISSOURI

If you read my last couple of posts it looks like all I do is 'talk' quilting- lol


Actually I just don't have time to write about business- my bad (you know how it is, I am working all day so I want to unwind and visit my creative side)


If you are having a 'let's get creative moment"  please check out my Guest Post and leave a comment so I know who else in the RAIN I can hollar at:  "dibs on your fabric stash"


My Buyers and Sellers are all trained to save Scraps for me, we have made many beautiful donation quilts over the years.  if you missed me in the Rain.


be good  cheryl(still from MO and still selling)willis


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Kay Van Kampen
RE/MAX Broker, RE/MAX - Springfield, MO
Realtor®, Springfield Mo Real Estate

You are definitely wound up today.  Blogging comes easy for you and these quilters are lucky to have you as a guest blogger.

Nov 08, 2011 12:22 PM
Betty Knowles
Southwest Missouri Realty - Springfield, MO
Ready to sell? Call Betty!

Cheryl, nice meeting you at the Activerain meet-up last night. Betty & John

Dec 15, 2011 12:04 PM
Cheryl Willis
RE/MAX Solutions- OZARK MISSOURI - Mount Vernon, MO
MO Broker - Mt Vernon, Monett, Aurora, Barry & Law

Betty, it was nice to meet you and John too.  Next time let's get together over a closing table.  cheryl

Dec 15, 2011 01:17 PM
Jolene Archer
RE/MAX Solutions - Nixa, MO

Cheryl,   Had fun at the meet up with you!  I'll see if I have any fabric scraps!!

Dec 16, 2011 04:39 AM
Not a real person
San Diego, CA

Eye C who’z working and who’z knot….

Eye hav meye eye on you!

Eye C U

Dec 28, 2011 02:46 AM
Cheryl Willis
RE/MAX Solutions- OZARK MISSOURI - Mount Vernon, MO
MO Broker - Mt Vernon, Monett, Aurora, Barry & Law

Russel, I always thought you were form another world!

Thanks for checking in on me-mark me down on the 'working list'.  cw

Dec 28, 2011 02:55 AM
Wanda Thomas
Montana Homestead Brokers, Broker, CRS, GRI, SFR, RN - Billings, MT
Billings Montana Real Estate

Ok fellow quilter, i think you should be my friend on facebook, way more quilting pictures!

I will post later today, and I'll look for your post (I already have one almost done on market news)

Apr 01, 2012 12:37 AM
Nancy Laswick
United Real Estate - Phoenix, AZ
Your REALTOR® For The Valley Of The Sun

Cheryl, quilting is what keeps us from going "postal" after a hard day at the RE office, no need to apologize!

Apr 01, 2012 10:02 AM
Cheryl Willis
RE/MAX Solutions- OZARK MISSOURI - Mount Vernon, MO
MO Broker - Mt Vernon, Monett, Aurora, Barry & Law

Wanda, I am not really a 'face book gal' but will run check out your eye candy.

Nancy, RE supplies the funds for my Fabric addiction lol

Apr 01, 2012 11:41 AM