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Are Some Molds More Dangerous Than Others?

Home Inspector with WWW.ExecutiveRestoration.Com

The simple answer to this question is yes. Some forms of mold like toxic mold, or more commonly referred to as black mold, are quite a bit more harmful than other forms of mold. However, the destructive properties that toxic mold has on your furniture is going to be the same as that of normal forms of mold. There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to answer this question, and ultimately the type of mold in your home does not matter because they are all destructive to both your health and your home!

Mold sampling is a common method that is used to determine which type of mold may be affecting your home. This process involves taking an actual sample of the mold from the effected home and sending it to a lab for closer inspection. Even though this method can be quite expensive, it is one of the only ways to positively ID which type of mold you are dealing with. The problem with mold sampling is that it does not account for the individuals who are living in the home. Some people are going to be more susceptible to allergy symptoms from exposure to mold than other people, and the amount of mold required to trigger an allergic reaction varies from individual to individual. While mold sampling may be the only way to determine the form of mold you are dealing with, it does not change the fact that the mold needs to be removed from the home as soon as possible. It also does little in the way of determining how badly the inhabitants of a home will be effected by the mold, and due to how expensive it is, it is usually not deemed to be cost effective at all.

The most important thing to note about mold is that all forms of mold carry the potential to harm your physical health, and the health of your home. If you are allergic to mold, then you will experience the symptoms of mold exposure, no matter which type of mold you come into contact with. Not all people are allergic to mold, but some forms of mold, like toxic mold, can cause an allergic reaction in people who are not allergic to normal strands. The reason why toxic mold is much more severe is because of the mycotoxins that it releases.   Mycotoxins are extremely hazardous and can affect individuals whether allergies are present or not. Not only can any form of mold trigger an allergic reaction if you come into contact with it, but your home and the possessions in it are also at risk no matter which form you are dealing with. If the spores land on moist organic material such as cloths, or the sheet rock in your walls, then it will begin to grow. If the problem is not resolved then the end result, regardless of form, will be the same. Whatever mold forms on will eventually be ruined, if not taken care of.

The bottom line is that yes, some forms of mold are more dangerous than others. But the important thing to understand is that ALL forms can still cause serious damage to you and your surroundings. Because of this it is extremely important that you take care of the problem at the first signs of damage. Contacting a mold remediation company could be expensive depending on the extent of the damage, but when dealing with mold, it is best not to cut corners, because it could end up costing you considerably more later down the road!