
I Took My Real Estate License Exam at School

Services for Real Estate Pros with RE/MAX Town & Country

Three weeks ago I enrolled in an online course to study for my real estate license. Today I took the exam at the school which I expect to have passed (I will know tomorrow).

After I get the test results back, I will be qualified to sign up for the final exam with the State of Georgia Real Estate Commission. I hope to take the exam on Friday or Monday.

For anyone thinking about studying to get your real estate license, here is my recommendation. I have some suggestions. I hope these will be helpful to you as you consider how to go about getting your real estate license.


I took an online course and finished in two weeks. Since I had a background investing in real estate, a large portion of the course content was not new to me. I have been talking to professionals such as real estate attorneys, lenders, agents, appraisers, and full time investors for several years in the normal course of my business.

Even with my experience and knowledge, there was a lot of new content and concepts to learn.

I would recommend the online self study course for anyone who is highly motivated to get through the material at their own pace. This option allows you to go through the material FAST, especially if you have some previous knowledge and background in real estate. I think it would be difficult and slow going this way if you are new to real estate.

Real Estate License Exam Cram Course


After finishing my online course, I decided to enroll in a two day cram course offered by Barney Fletcher Schools in Atlanta. I'm glad I took the cram course, as it helped me in two areas:

1. LEARNING HOW TO TAKE THE REAL ESTATE LICENSE EXAM - The cram course opened my eyes to how one's knowledge is tested by the use of different types of questions. Evidently the exam questions can be very tricky and it takes some practice to understand what different types of questions may or may not be asking. It is easy to assume a question requires a particular answer, but when examining the question carefully, the information being asked becomes clearer. I learned not to read too much into the questions!

2. EXPOSING AREAS OF WEAKNESS IN MY REAL ESTATE KNOWLEDGE - During the two day cram course, the teacher exposed the students to every area covered in the course through the use of questions. There was no new content taught in the class but through the use of the questions, I became very aware of the particular topics that I needed study more. This enabled me to focus my final study time to that content which I needed to learn in order to pass the exam.

I would highly recommend a cram course such as the one I took in order to prepare for the real estate license exam, unless you have previous experience taking exams of this type. The questions can be tricky and if you are not prepared, you will get tripped up during the exam.


I would suggest a full classroom course for anyone wanting to get their real estate license who has no background in real estate. I honestly can't imagine absorbing all the content required to pass the exam by going it alone with no previous real estate experience. Taking a live class with other students in a classroom environment may be your best option.

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Suzanne McLaughlin
Sabinske & Associates, Inc. (Albertville, St. Michael) - Saint Michael, MN
Sabinske & Associates, Realtor

Congratulations!  It is tough, and since you are using it for your own advantage, I would say well worth it.

Nov 09, 2011 08:21 AM
John Marion
RE/MAX Town & Country - Canton, GA

Thank you Suzanne. I'm glad I decided to get my license and I'm happy to almost be finished!

Nov 09, 2011 08:24 AM
Rebecca Melancon
RAM Arts Photography - Lake Charles, LA

Congrats!  I spent two years reading up on real estate before getting my license and then took the online course.  I completely agree.  If you aren't highly motivated and have good self discipline the online course isn't for you!

Nov 09, 2011 09:41 AM
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
REALTOR®, Broker

Congratulations on completing your course work, and good luck with your state exam.

Nov 09, 2011 09:51 AM
John Marion
RE/MAX Town & Country - Canton, GA

Thank you Richard.

Thank you Rebecca.


Nov 09, 2011 09:54 AM

Hi John,

I had my real estate license 7 yrs ago, moved to NY, and didnt pay my fees, now back in Ga, I have two options, take the state exam over, or take the 75hr online course, and pass the school exam and pay back my fees. My question is was the school exam hard? I thought it was easier than the state exam, I took 7 yrs ago. Its just been so long ago. Thank you! 

Sep 27, 2012 05:17 AM