The Rockland Municipal Planning Federation is pleased to announce the upcoming educational session entitled “Rockland’s Changing Demographics and Data Resources.” Michael D’Angelo, Director of Research with the Rockland County Department of Planning, will present the session. The session will be free to the public and will provide two training hours for planning and zoning board members to meet their required 4-hours or annual training.
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Place: Town of Orangetown Town Hall,
Courtroom # 1 (Town Board Meeting Room)
26 Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, NY
This presentation will highlight the results from the 2010 Census and how Rockland’s population has changed over time. The discussion will focus on recent demographic trends for Rockland County, including changes in population, age structure, racial and ethnic diversity, housing and economic indicators. Information regarding useful data sources and the data sources available to get this information will also be provided.
Please RSVP to Arlene Miller at (845)364-3448 or of the Rockland County Planning Department.