
Microfinancing - A Way For Real Estate Pros To Give Back and Lend To 3rd World Countries

Education & Training with Ugly House Investor
I want to let you all know about a cool non-profit that is doing great things: allows individuals to make $25 loans to low-income entrepreneurs in the developing world (microfinance). By doing so, individuals like you provide affordable working capital for the poor (money to buy a sewing machine, livestock, etc.), empowering them to earn their way out of poverty.

It's a new, direct and sustainable way to fight global poverty, with a true return on your money.

loan cycle

Anyways, if you have a minute, please check out the site: If you need more "reputable" validation than my recommendation :), know that they have received great press in publications ranging from The Wall Street Journal to NPR to BusinessWeek.

The Following Companies Currently Sponsor Kiva:


Art Blanchet
On the Outside Lookin' In - Sebastian, FL
Stranger in a Warm Land

Hey Rich -

Now KIVA is sponsored by AR as well - and we have a growing group.  You can help by posting this great blog to - Loans That Change Lives .



Nov 13, 2007 01:38 AM