
Looking Back to the Old Days in Key West Florida

Real Estate Agent with Southernmost Realty

Looking Back to the Old Days in Key West Florida

I called a prospective client today who is interested in buying in the Florida Keys. He is smitten before visiting. He has not experienced our area but has a warm fuzzy feeling. He has a place in Tampa, Florida and has livied in Naples, Florida two cities polar opposite from Key West and the Keys.

I came to Key West Florida from Miami shortly after University. I bought my Key West house in 1969. I was rebellious and wanted nothing to do with the mainland attitude. Key West was a haven for kids like myself. Key West and the Keys attracts nature lovers, creative people and the free spirited. 1970 was an era that goes down in infamy. A group of writers and musicians populated my world. Thomas McGuane, Dan Gerber, Phil Caputo, Tom Corcoran, Jimmy Bufett all famous now but just part of my extended family back then.

We keep in touch through Weddings and Funerals and Facebook. Those relationships are precious. As the nursery rhyme goes. Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other Gold. Both precious metals!

I love selling real estate in Key West and meeting new friends.

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Dawn Barrier Las Vegas Real Estate
HomeSmart Encore - Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV
Homes in Las Vegas Nevada 702-812-4550

Great Post!

How is the weather now?

I almost was heading back there this month.

Nov 10, 2011 07:56 AM
Elizabeth Birmingham
Southernmost Realty - Key West, FL

A cold 73! LOL 

Nov 10, 2011 08:09 AM
Dawn Barrier Las Vegas Real Estate
HomeSmart Encore - Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV
Homes in Las Vegas Nevada 702-812-4550

Ahh Nice!  Better than here in the 56 this morning.

Nov 11, 2011 04:50 AM