Improve Your Credit Score It Is Important
Did you know that your credit score can hurt you, even if you are looking for a rental? Landlords will look at your credit score to determine how responsible you are with your debt. It is very important to know what your credit score is.
When you get your credit score and find out that it is not as desirable as you would like, here are some tips to help you get on the right track.
Is there a mistake?A news report in 2004 stated that 80% of credit reports contain an error. A dispute can be started by requesting a dispute form on the CRA's website. The law states that a report that can not be verified must be removed from your report.
Start to clean up your report. Call all your lenders that you may have a late balance with. Ask them to work out a payment plan with you. This will show good faith and honest effort to get heading in the right direction. Over time you will be able to show that your payments are being made on time. Keeping up this behavior will allow the positive to outweigh the negative.
Prove that your are reliable.There are no quick fixes to a credit score, but taking out a loan that you do not need and paying it back in a short time can prove that you are a good credit risk.
Too many lines of credit can hurt you. The ideal position is to have few lines of credit. Cancel old cards that you do not use. You are better to have a few lines of credit with minimal or no balance on each. Do not put all your debt on one credit card.
I hope that you find this helpful. For more detailed information please email me at
Information provided by the Brian Buffini Co.