I've received an email from some company today offering a speacial for Xmas on Visual Tours for 30 days. Usualy I am quite sceptical and take it as spam , but I thought I will check it out, thankfuly I had some free time. And I found it quite good and the price was quite good too. 30 days free and you can create all the tours you want. It turned out to be very easy and I was impressed. 30 days for free and then you can sign up for $149 Canadian Dollars for a year for unlimited tours. It sounds like a good deal to me, so if anyone is interested the site is:http://www.guruhomevisions.com/. Please mention my name and hopefuly I will get some brownie points. I think it's awesome.
So as a try, I've put my own place for sale, a litle early, but I was planning to do it anyway expecting my new construction to be built. Check it and let me know what you think. It's my first. ( I know there is a few bloopers) However practice makes it perfect....
Have a great Holidays.