The art of holding an open house has seemed to be changed forever. It seems more and more these days that homeowner are taking advantage of the Internet and its power. Most potential clients have done a great deal of research before they contact an agent. They are more educated than ever. They know what they can and cannot afford they know what they do and don't want. With the savvy buyers out there are you giving your listing the advantage they need in this competitive market? If a Virtual Tour was not important to buyers do you think that would have a search selection that only included Virtual Tours? A Virtual tour is an integral part of marketing a home today. The Internet is an international resource that is tapped into by almost everyone everyday. Can you afford a Virtual Tour? The real question is can you afford to not get a virtual tour! You spend hundreds of dollars a month in newspaper and real estate guide advertising and it only reaches a limited amount of viewers why not put your advertising dollars to work for you on a NATIONAL level? The average virtual tour with uploads to national real estate sites cost's around $125 think about that... $125 and the average list time in most area's these days is over 8 months.. Break it down.... That's $15 a month... And you are probably paying well over $200 a month in your other limited audience marketing. Make your dollars work for you and show your clients how you are dedicated to making their home sell... Get a virtual Tour today!! Visit us by clicking HERE.
Lacey Conn
Virtual Tours Plus!