
Mini Staging Tips for Great Photograph's

Services for Real Estate Pros with Virtual Tours Plus!

Home staging is a wonderful art. The stagers of today know what little details stand out and make a photograph look great. They say a photograph is worth a thousand words, in real estate this is more true then ever! You only have one chance to catch a buyers attention when they are looking for homes and that is in your photographs. Little things in photographs can make huge differences! 

 Formal dining room - have the table completely set and decked out, it will make a huge difference. It can make a cold and lifeless room seem alive and inviting. Live plants can make a dull room come alive, and dishes in the sink can make a home look dirty and cluttered.  You want your home to look clean and simple, most of the time less is more. When potential buyers are looking for a home they want to imagine their things and personal belongings in it. 

 Eat in Kitchens - Regardless of how the space is currently used it must always have a table and chairs. A Potential buyer can find it hard to imagine something that is completely not there. Place a large bowl with fresh fruit in the center. This gives the are more color and vibrancy. Paper towels please hide them regardless if we all use them it always appears nicer with out them, get a few decorative towels and place them strategically around the kitchen.

 Master Bath - Buy an inexpensive spa bath kit, a big fluffy towel, a bath robe, and a few scented candles. Place these items through out the bath room. Giving the master bath a spa like feel will enhance it and make potential buyers imagine them selves soaking in the tub.

  Fireplaces- Clear the Mantel never have a cluttered mantel it takes away from the ambiance the fire place gives. Make it simple Give it a warm touch with something simple like a few candle sconces OR Nothing at all. You never want to take away from this feature!

 Bedrooms - Make all the bedrooms look like bedrooms with a bed in each. This doesn't have to be as hard as it sounds. Everyone has an air mattress so create a faux bed with an air mattress, prop it up on something to give it the appropriate height then make it up with fluffy pillows and comforters, no one will look under it to see it really isn't a bed! Multi-purpose rooms end up distracting the potential customer from what the intention of the room really is...

 Seasonal Decor - Seasonal decor can sometimes be counter-effective in photos. You may hurt your self in the long run. A Christmas tree may look great in the winter months of selling a home but when spring rolls around it will be a distraction in the photos. You may get extra looks at your listings photo's but they will be to make fun of not admire!

With this little amount of effort and money you can make a home look great in photos and virtual tours. Your photo is worth a million words so meet with your home owners and put a little time into the home before photographing, its your listing, and your money make it work for you!

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Mehmet Met Dilsiz
FND Photography / M2 Real Estate Solutions - Midvale, UT
Great Info Lacey...  Thank you for the post...
Nov 04, 2007 08:11 AM
Nancy Brenner
Referral Associates of Georgia, Inc. - Roswell, GA
Roswell Georgia Real Estate Agent
Lacey - Wonderful suggestions for Real Estate agents on a budget.  Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Nov 04, 2007 08:18 AM
Kathy Riggle
Houston Home Staging

Great staging ideas, Lacey!  And realtors, don't forget that professional stagers will partner with you on those difficult properties to get them sold fast! We are very diplomatic in working with your clients. Also,we will even take photos after staging so that you can use them!


Nov 04, 2007 10:18 AM
Lacey Conn
Virtual Tours Plus! - Pinehurst, NC
It is always a plus to hire a professional stager they can do things that agents and photographers could never even imagine. Thats why they are a professional stager and not a professional agent. Kathy, do you have any other tips with out killing your business?
Nov 04, 2007 01:19 PM
Kim Peasley-Parker
AgentOwned Realty, Heritage Group, Inc. - Sumter, SC
Great tips.  I was working this weekend on researching things to make a virtual tour shine.
Nov 05, 2007 12:18 AM
Don Stern
Realty Executives South Louisiana - Baton Rouge, LA
Greater Baton Rouge Real Estate
Great tips.  Thanks.
Nov 05, 2007 02:57 AM
Nonnie Ranstom
As You Like It Design - Bremerton, WA
ASP, IAHSP - As You Like It - Design


Thanks for your info. I just wanted to mention that having all lamps and lighting fixtures turned on makes the room come alive and the photo more professional.

Nov 05, 2007 05:04 PM
Lacey Conn
Virtual Tours Plus! - Pinehurst, NC
I agree but I left that in one of my previous post so I did not want to repeat myself over again. But thanks for the input!!!
Nov 05, 2007 05:55 PM
Gary Woltal
Keller Williams Realty - Flower Mound, TX
Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth
Wonderful tips Lacey. I like that they are easy and inexpensive to do, to spruce up all the rooms.
Nov 05, 2007 11:58 PM
Trish Edmonds
Ad Vantage Virtual Tours, LLC - Jacksonville, FL

Great tips!!  I love the spa bath kit idea too.

Great suggestions to show what can be done on limited budget.   As a virtual tour photographer, I can absolutely say, it makes all the difference in the world to make the effort to do even basic staging!!!


May 01, 2008 11:46 AM