
Holiday Happenings in Allyn, WA~Santa Claus is coming to town & More !

Managing Real Estate Broker with Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA 73708

Holiday Happenings in Allyn, WA~Santa Claus is coming to town & More!

Unbelievable how quickly the holidays have happened upon us!   My granddaughter and grandson were just telling me about the wish lists they have made for Santa and now they need to get their list to Santa!!  What better way to do it than go to the man himself!!   Save the dates!   There is a lot happening around the town of Allyn!

November 26th – Saturday – Santa Claus is coming to the Port of  Allyn waterfront park on Saturday, November 26th!!   He will be arriving at 4:00PM via fire engine courtesy of Local fire District 5  and their elves!   Get their early to enjoy ALL the festive activities starting  and easy way to get your lists into Santa! There will be music, drinks, home backed cookies and craft activities starting at 3PM! 

December 19th – Monday - Join the Allyn Christmas sing a long at the gazebo in the Allyn Waterfront park from 7-8PM!  Hot cider, Krispy Kreme doughnuts and hot chocolate!! 

Good company, good song, good fun!!

and don’t forget – Black friday – SHOP LOCAL!!!

Have a GREEEAT Thanksgiving!  and I will see you around town!


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Suzanne McLaughlin
Sabinske & Associates, Inc. (Albertville, St. Michael) - Saint Michael, MN
Sabinske & Associates, Realtor

Happy Thanksgiving…. I wish I had time to comment, but I will be back later in the weekend.

Nov 22, 2011 02:43 PM
Valerie Spaulding
Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA - Belfair, WA
Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!

Suzanne! Happy Thanksgiving !  Thank you for stopping by and will talk to you soon!  

Nov 22, 2011 02:58 PM