There have been 8 homes that have sold in Tylers Reserve in West Chester Ohio in the past 6 months since November 21, 2011. The homes that sold were on the market an average of 41.6 days with a high of 113 Days on Market and a low of 3 days. 41.6 average Days on Market is very good when compared to the average days on market for West Chester of 85 days.
The average price per square foot for these 8 homes is $112.69. As you can see from the chart the cost per square foot varied by home, which is normal. Typically you will find the 2 Story's will sell for a lower price per square foot than a Ranch home with similar amentities and finish. The selling prices of these 8 2 Story homes that have sold recently, range from $259,900 to $385,000.
There are currently 3 Homes For Sale in Tylers Reserve. They are priced at $299,900, $325,000 and $434,900 respectively. The home priced at $325,000 being a Ranch Home.
If you would like to see any of the 3 homes that are currently For Sale in Tylers Reserve in West Chester Ohio, or perhaps want to sell your home, call Scott Baker REALTOR® at 513-403-5323.
(If you know anyone thinking about buying or selling, tell them to give me a call at 513-403-5323.)