
Tylers Reserve West Chester Ohio Sold 2 Story's past 6 months

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Realty
Tylers Reserve West Chester Ohio Sold 2 Story's past 6 months Tylers Reserve Subdivision is located directly off of Tylersville Rd, on the north side, west of 747 in West Chester Ohio. The community is served by the award winning Lakota School District.


There have been 8 homes that have sold in Tylers Reserve in West Chester Ohio in the past 6 months since November 21, 2011. The homes that sold were on the market an average of 41.6 days with a high of 113 Days on Market and a low of 3 days. 41.6 average Days on Market is very good when compared to the average days on market for West Chester of 85 days.

The average price per square foot for these 8 homes is $112.69. As you can see from the chart the cost per square foot varied by home, which is normal. Typically you will find the 2 Story's will sell for a lower price per square foot than a Ranch home with similar amentities and finish. The selling prices of these 8 2 Story homes that have sold recently, range from $259,900 to $385,000.

There are currently 3 Homes For Sale in Tylers Reserve. They are priced at $299,900, $325,000 and $434,900 respectively. The home priced at $325,000 being a Ranch Home.

If you would like to see any of the 3 homes that are currently For Sale in Tylers Reserve in West Chester Ohio, or perhaps want to sell your home, call Scott Baker REALTOR® at 513-403-5323.

(If you know anyone thinking about buying or selling, tell them to give me a call at 513-403-5323.)

Posted by

Scott Baker, ABR e-Pro REALTOR® 

Realtor serving Cincinnati, West Chester, Mason Ohio, Liberty Twp. Ohio and the surrounding areas in Butler County and Warren County. To Buy or Sell a home, call Scott at 513-403-5323.

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