
Looking for A Country Home Near Aumsville Oregon

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Capital City 970700173

Looking for A Country Home Near Aumsville Oregon


That peacefully perfect country home could be for sale right now, at the lowest price in 15 years.  The question is, are you ready to buy it?

1.  The inventory of country homes around Aumsville, Oregon is    constantly changing.  You can see what is currently for sale by clicking on the button below.

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3.  If you would like to receive notice of unlisted property in Aumsville BEFORE the general public, tell me what you are looking for and you will get notification of the HOT LIST properties, unlisted properties and SUPER DEALS!


Aumsville is a great little town of just outside of Salem.  Many people that live around Aumsville will commute to Salem for employment.  It typically takes just a 15 minute drive to get to Salem.  Aumsville does have 2 coffee carts, a grocery store, a restaurant, a pizza parlor, bar, post office, Veterinary Clinic and storage unit.  The land is mostly flat, which offers a great pasture environment.  Agriculture is strong, with corn and grass hay being major crops.  


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Brian Morgenweck
Power Realty Group, LLC Bergen County, NJ - Hackensack, NJ
Broker/Owner, GRI, CRS, ABR, SRS

Hi Catherine,

Aumsville sounds like a very special... & peaceful place!

The closest thing I have in my part of NJ to riding a horse is walking my pal Max, the Ridgeback! ;-)

Nov 23, 2011 02:03 PM
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate
John L Scott Market Center - Birkenfeld, OR
"Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843

Catherine, you changed your profile pic and I almost passed you up! Things are hoppin' around 'bout you?

Nov 23, 2011 02:10 PM
ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - Bowie, MD
I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES

Catherine Aumsville OR is a place I would really like to visit from the way you describe it. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Great Localism blog.

Nov 23, 2011 02:41 PM
Catherine Ulrey
Keller Williams Capital City - Salem, OR
Equestrian and Acreage Property Specialist

Brian, that's ok, I will still talk to you!

Gayle, yes, I got tired of my old photo!  Thanks for stopping by!

Lanre, it is a small town, not much happening.  But, that's what people like about it!

Nov 23, 2011 05:30 PM
Kathy Clulow
Uxbridge, ON
Trusted For Experience - Respected For Results

Catherine - 20 min from listing submission to your inbox is excellent turnaround ..... our system only sends once a day ..... after midnight ..... which still puts it in a potential buyers hands up to 48 hours before it appears on our national MLS system.

Nov 26, 2011 03:30 AM
Catherine Ulrey
Keller Williams Capital City - Salem, OR
Equestrian and Acreage Property Specialist

Thanks Corrine!  There are so many things to do with IDX Broker, I wish I had a week to sit down and figure it all out!

Dec 08, 2011 11:20 AM