
Columbia MO Property Tax Increase?

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Boone Realty

Election Day Nov. 6th. 

The only item on our ballot is to approve a 1/2% sale tax increase.  I received the "sample ballot" which spoke aobut the 1/2% sales tax increase.  At first I thought, another tax increase, gee I can't handle more.  However, after learning more about it, I found out that this is a tax we are ALREADY paying.  It should state, to extend the 1/2% sales tax increase to a certain time.  What the ballot does not go on to say is that if we DO NOT approve this measure then the property taxes of Boone County residents will increase!  I certainly don't want that either.

It's clear that it is one or the other, I would rather be nickled and dimed (that I'm already used to) when I'm making a purchase than have a big huge lump sum come out at the end of the year.  Plus all those people who use the roads to come to the University of Missouri, Show Me State Games, True/False Fest, Twilight Fest, Football, Basketball, Youth games, etc can help share the cost, not to mention the thousands of people who drive I-70 (one of if not the #1 major highways traveled) who stop here to gas up, get a burger etc, EVERY DAY.

So there you have it, if you are in Boone County and voting (you should be) on Nov. 6th (THIS TUES) vote YES!.  Spread the wealth (pain) throughout everyone on our roads to help our roads.