
Finding Leads in the Real Estate business.....

Mortgage and Lending with Peoples Mortgage

I thought about what subject would be the best for me to blog about my first time back in the ActiveRain world during this holiday season. Well, there are many good real estate and mortgage subjects to discuss this year. Being that I spend all my time finding and closing loans. As I'm a Licensed Mortgage Banker in the state of Arizona. I want to focus on how I have developed my business by focusing on supporting local employees.

This concept began when I started in the business six years ago. After leaving a long career in hospitality business and moving into mortgages. I knew I had to get in front of as many people as I could and fast. The only thing I could think of was to GO TO THE PEOPLE... 

The only place for that to be convient for people, was at work. So, we have created the Financial Employee Support Network. A local organization that goes into small companies, associations and any business that has employees or members. We buy lunch or bring some sort of snack. All people love food. Free food! Then we make ourselves avaiable for questions. Bring some sort of educational information to pass out with our contact information. Then based on the group, we provide a seminar or a more casual question and answer forum.

The KEY to this Lunch & Learn is being supportive and making yourself avaiable for all employees. On site or off. Your there to support, provide information and help all employees get answers to their financial questions. 

All I can tell you is that if you put yourself out there. They will come. This one strategy has at least tripled my inbound leads. Along with my database. 

Just wanted to share a 2011 winning strategy. 

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Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

Brian, networking has always helped - and it is proven way of getting leads.

Good for you and thanks for sharing.



Nov 28, 2011 03:20 PM
Chandler Real Estate Liz Harris, MBA
Liz Harris Realty - Chandler, AZ

Great idea, Brian!  Everyone loves to become educated over a free meal!

Nov 28, 2011 03:51 PM