Christmas Lights in Newport Beach
The holidays are here whether you are ready for them or not. Man the older we get the faster the years go by. There is one thing in life that really makes me feel like a kid again and really get into the Holiday Season, and that is going and looking at lights. It always seems to put a smile on my face no matter what might be going on in our busy day to day lives. I am going to share with you some of my favorite Christmas lights in Newport Beach.
The first and foremost Christmas lights in Newport Beach to see is the "Boat Parade" starting on Wednesday, Dec. 14 and ends Sunday Dec. 18. The parade starts off Bay Island at 6:30pm and finishes at the same site around 9:00pm. If you have not experienced this yet it is a must. Residents of Newport Beach prepare for this months in advance and spare no expenses. Grab some hot chocolate from one of the cute kids selling around the island and just stroll along the island, there is plenty to see. Even the houses are all decorated with elaborate decor and more moving parts then a science experiment. Get there early because it definitely gets busy and parking gets hard to find. One trick I like to do is park at the Newport Hyatt and walk down, just to avoid all the traffic on the island. These are Christmas lights in Newport Beach you don't want to miss.
The next Christmas lights in Newport Beach I am going to share with you is a road trip. Yippee!!! Grab all the kids and pack the family in the car and check out these few houses that are worth going and seeing. First is the "Zimmerman" Christmas lights in Newport Beach. The house is located on 327 Sapphire Ave. Balboa Island, decked out with music to go along with all the lights and has all the glitz to go along. While you are down on Balboa Island, roam the streets and see what other houses have going on. Their is lots to see. Next drive on over to East side Costa Mesa and see 2249 Santa Ana. Don't forget Santa will be there from 7pm-9pm up until the 23rd. Then drive down Santa Ana to Lilac and cruise the neighborhoods and meander the cul de sacs. There are tons of Christmas lights in Newport Beach to see there. Just be careful that if you are driving to keep your eyes on the road and not the lights as there are lots of people walking. And last, if you are feeling adventurous take a drive down to Belmont Shores. It isn't Christmas lights in Newport Beach but it is only a 20 minute drive away. This is another great place to park the car and cruise the Island of Belmont Shores and check out all the beautiful lights. You wont be disappointed, and if you haven't done this drive it is definitely a must. Great for a date night as well.
Make sure you respond with your own Christmas lights in Newport Beach to see or anywhere near by worth driving to. Happy Holidays.