
Twas the Night of the Approval

Real Estate Sales Representative with United Brokers Group//The Mortgage Advantage, Inc.


Twas THE days  before Christmas and all through my house

Not a creature was stirring, especially my computer mouse

As my short sale files hung on my desk with care

I can’t help but think, Mr./Ms. Negotiator “Are you there?”


My children are all tightly snuggled in their beds

While visions of toys are dancing in their heads

And I in my old t-shirt and sweats

Sit anxiously waiting for approvals like a wreck


When all of a sudden pops in to my fax

A letter from the lender that I’ve called to the max

Away to the machine I flew like a flash

Waiting and waiting to get my stash


The moon at midnight is as white as new fallen snow

That it gives the approval letter an unearthly glow

When, to my wondering eyes should appear

AN APPROVAL LETTER!!!!!  Full release and I tear.


So many hours, so many days

So many times I wanted to say

C’mon already, are you kidding me?

In what world is waiting months for an approval okey dokey?


But as fate would have it and blessings be mine

My client can sleep tonight just fine.

For the lender has listened, the lender did care

That folks are suffering way out here. 

Colin Call
RE/MAX Integrity - Eugene, OR
Principal Broker

Helena,  Very cute.  Nice to see this story put to an old Christmas theme. Dealing with loss mitigation can tend to harden the soul.

Nov 30, 2011 07:55 AM
Helena Kaucheck
United Brokers Group//The Mortgage Advantage, Inc. - Chandler, AZ
NMLS #610035

Thank you so much Colin!!  There are some decent folks out there in the lender biz.......Have a great rest of the week!!!!!

Nov 30, 2011 08:30 AM