
There are other solutions besides DocuSign

Real Estate Agent with NEPTUNE REALTY 0225-075558

There are other solutions besides DocuSign and some of them are looking like a more reliable soltuion for real estate agents who need reliability and dependability in their service providers.  In May, I started using DocuSign but immediately noticed they had no app for the Android platform.  In spite of the fact that Android has more installed users than the iPlatform, no app.  I asked the experts at DocuSign about this - the silence was deafening.  Then, they replied that they would have an app Q3.  Excellent, the end of September, I thought.  Well that date has come and gone - still no app.  They came back and said it would be out by November 30th.  Well, that's today and we still have no app.

As a senior management technology executive in a prior life, I have serioius doubts about the technology leadership at DocuSign.  They are quite willing to take your money, but when it comes to planning solutions, to have missed the mark by so far on the platform wars, it makes one ask if there are alternatives.

The good news is YES, there are alternatives to DocuSign.  I believe DocuSign has the capability to do the right thing, if they only had more pressure from the Android community so they would make it a priority.  If not, we need to consider alternatives and spread the word throughout our community.  What signature solutions do you find useful in your business?

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Search the MLSDrick Ward, Realtor and Broker Associate    757-575-5156

Neptune Realty - Virginia Beach, Virginia


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Dee Mayers
Covina, CA
San Gabriel Valley, CA

I use Docusign and guess what, it is free!

Nov 30, 2011 01:45 PM
Bernadette Arzu
Serving Sugar Land, Missouri City, Richmond and Pearland - Sugar Land, TX
Broker-Associate, Keller Williams Realty SW

You make mention of the alternatives but you didn't mention any. I use Docusign but I'm also curious to know about the  competion and whether they are comparatively priced.




Nov 30, 2011 01:52 PM
Kay Van Kampen
RE/MAX Broker, RE/MAX - Springfield, MO
Realtor®, Springfield Mo Real Estate

I love Docusign.  My senior clients use it easily.  Guess they don't have the Android.  I have an Android and didn't realize they didn't have the app for it.

Nov 30, 2011 02:00 PM
Alison Creamer
Keller Williams Elite - Virginia Beach, VA
Realtor,MRP,ABR, CDPE,IMSD,HamptonRoads

I use my ipad and an app called neu.annotate to have the people sign in person. works great and I dont have to print docuements !!! Best of all ITS FREE !


Nov 30, 2011 11:06 PM
Drick Ward Property Management / Broker Assoc
NEPTUNE REALTY - Virginia Beach, VA
"RealtorDrick" - Experienced Representation

Dee, I pay a nominal fee for it and it is useful at times, but not having it in my hand forces me to get in front of a desktop or my tablet. I just don't want them ignoring us as a user group. Thanks for the comment.

Bernadette, I hope that wasn't too much of a bait and switch.  I know that Adobe has a product or add-on to Acrobat Professional that captures signatures, but am not certain if it steps the recipient through signing like DocuSign does.  I was hoping to hear other alternatives that people have hopefully actually used or evaluated.  I REALLY hope DS will give us a solution so I don't need to look at alternatives. Thansk for the comment.

Kay, thanks for the comment.  Now that you know, please help keep their focus on giving us a handheld solution.  We have clearly chosen the communications device operating system that is obviously superior and don't want to be ignored. ;)

Hey Alison, I love it when I have clients sign on my HP tablet and don't even have a paper copy, but I use DocuSign for long distance and at other times when I'm not physically with the client and I need their signature quickly. Thanks for the comment.

Dec 02, 2011 04:11 PM
Norma J. Elkins
Elite Realty Group - Morristown, TN
Realtor - Elkins Home Selling Team

Great info - thanks for sharing.

Dec 10, 2011 11:11 PM
Suzanne McLaughlin
Sabinske & Associates, Inc. (Albertville, St. Michael) - Saint Michael, MN
Sabinske & Associates, Realtor

Check out Dick Greenberg's post from a while back or just email him.  He uses a different app than Docusign and seems quite pleased with it.

Dec 27, 2011 08:21 AM
Drick Ward Property Management / Broker Assoc
NEPTUNE REALTY - Virginia Beach, VA
"RealtorDrick" - Experienced Representation

Thanks Suzanne, I'll look into that if DocuSign doesn't get their act together.

Dec 28, 2011 10:13 AM

I am really dissapointed that there is no Android Ap.  I love DocuSign but I am constantly on my phone and table, both of which are Droids.  It really kills me to have to go home to put an offer together.

Nov 15, 2012 08:16 AM
Drick Ward Property Management / Broker Assoc
NEPTUNE REALTY - Virginia Beach, VA
"RealtorDrick" - Experienced Representation

Thanks for the comment Talisa.  DocuSign might be making it an easier decision to leave them behind.  Their system has run into numerous slow processing cycles in the past month so much so that the reliability is being called into question by Information Technology types.  That is often the first step of a company being left in the dust or bought out by hostile or other takeover.  Maybe we will not have to work with them much longer?

Nov 19, 2012 04:38 AM
Gerard Brown

DocuSign was instrumental in starting my newest business.  Im looking for somthine cheaper that walks people through the signing process but Im afraid all my research leasds me right back to docusign.

Using this copmpany enabled me to hire 20+ people at all corners of the country in less than a week!  I just wish they would provide templates for the various employee paperwork we need to generate.

Jan 13, 2013 12:58 AM

I have to say I have used DotLoop it is not free but I LOVE it!! It is user friendly, extremely simple for clients to use.

Sep 13, 2014 04:15 AM
Drick Ward Property Management / Broker Assoc
NEPTUNE REALTY - Virginia Beach, VA
"RealtorDrick" - Experienced Representation

Michelle, thanks for the comment.  The original post was a few years ago.  In that time, I have looked at DotLoop (didn't like it much because of the slow response time it has on standard high speed internet connections)--it's a techie thing, but the inferior design causes slowdowns. And DocuSign has (mostly) cleared up their errors to regain the lead position.  Dot Loop is trying to gain market share by exclusive deals with major franchise brands, but the product simply runs slower, so retaining long term customers may prove problematic for them.

Sep 15, 2014 12:47 AM
Drick Ward Property Management / Broker Assoc
NEPTUNE REALTY - Virginia Beach, VA
"RealtorDrick" - Experienced Representation

Max, that may be another for use as a consumer solution.  Agents using electronic signature for business shouldn't be using the personal level accounts to conduct business, but they likely have a professional plan available, it may be worth considering.  Thanks for the comment.

May 04, 2015 10:21 PM

I don't have any experience with these, but here is a list of companies I found. You can do your own research.

Cognito, FormSite, Formstack, JotForm, Survey Monkey, WuFoo
Sign Now, HelloSign, Adobe EcoSign, RightSignature, e-SignLive by Silanis,
Sertifi, CudaSign, AssureSign, neu.annotate, DotLoop,

Jun 19, 2015 04:51 AM
Drick Ward Property Management / Broker Assoc
NEPTUNE REALTY - Virginia Beach, VA
"RealtorDrick" - Experienced Representation

Wow, that's quite a list. Funny to see how many more companies have entered the market since 2011 when the post was first written.  Thanks for commenting.

Jun 20, 2015 02:16 AM