
Networking and Marketing

Home Stager with Gomes Design

 I am interested in compiling a list of marketing and networking strategies,  for all stagers or for that matter anyone starting a business.  I believe if we can all participate, we can have a great compilation that anyone can refer to, to get inspired with new ideas to build their business


I will start with:

1.     Shmooze, shmooze. Meeting people is a great for name recognition.  In a group settings always keep you ear out for potential clients and approach them first.  Don't forget to give them your card.

2.     Join a networking group in your area.  Some of them put out magazines that you can write an article for. ( Womens Networking Groups, Small Business Centres, BNI, Chamber of Commerce)

3.     Get yourself published

4.     For Stagers join your local Real Estate Board as a Business Partner or affiliate

5.     One time, Inexpensive advertising. - Graphic sign on your vehicle - Gives you Name recognition - you want to be the first name that pops into potential clients minds.

6.     Don't forget gifts at Christmas for your agents that you work with.  Make gifts worthwhile.  And maybe cookie trays for the whole office.


There is  a lot more.  What strategies do you use.  I will leave it for everyone to help with our list.

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Wayne Miller
San Diego, CA
Thanks for the helpful tips, I really enjoy networking and meeting new people.  Who knows what might come out of it.
Nov 05, 2007 05:17 AM
Dave Woodson
Dave Woodson - Chesterton, IN
Not the Average Agent
great job, I am not published yet, but I am heard as I do a radio show
Nov 05, 2007 05:22 AM
Isabel Gomes
Gomes Design - London, ON
Interior Decorator, Stager - London, Ont

Wayne, I agree networking and meeting new people is great fun.  I quite enjoy it too.

Dave, that's great.  I have written intentionS and goals of what I would like to accomplish.  Being heard on the radio would be great.

Nov 05, 2007 01:49 PM