
One of our deals of the year! Ballard flip resulted in over 100k profit for client and sold in one day on market!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Heaton Dainard

Heaton Ballard was recently asked to speak at our regional REAPS meeting and present the deal of the year.  We chose a Ballard deal that resulted in over 100k profit for our client and sold in one day on the market!  We were honored to be asked to speak at the November meeting and I wanted to share the outcome of the deal with the active rain community.  Take a look and tell me what you think!


Here's the before shot. 
Check out the specs!


—  6751 3rd Ave NW  Seattle WA 98117

—  Specs:

¡  Illegal duplex

¡  2,200 sq feet

¡  3 bedrooms

¡  2 bath

¡  Total Remodel

Here's what actually happened with the property!

—  Changed the design to maximize profits

—  FMV: $560,000

—  Actual Fix-up $110,000

—  Holding Costs: $19,600

—  Selling Costs: $50,400

—  Actual Profit: $135,000


  10k OVER list price!!!

Now let's take a look at the before shots!

Here's the after shots!


This is our process: