
Santa Clarita Farmer's Insurance Agent Asks -"What would you do next time?"

Services for Real Estate Pros with Farmers Insurance/Blue Cross Insurance

If you had only moments to grab your most prized possessions, what would they be? That was the question many of us had to ask ourselves as fires swept through Santa Clarita two weeks ago. Most people would take photo albums and other personal momentos, but now that we are living in a digital era it might be other things. What would you grab, after your family and pets were out safely?

Santa Clarita fire

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Maria Couto
RE/MAX Premier - Berkeley Heights, NJ
Realtor with "Results That "MOVE" You'

I hope never ever go through anything that Santa Clarita has gone through, I like everyone else would take old photo albums and my lap top. The lap top contains most of my work and all kinds of records.

Hope you didn't loose anything.

Nov 05, 2007 09:13 AM
ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - Bowie, MD
I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
Hey Greg. I would probably grab my social security card,computer,books and other pertinent documents. There are a whole lot of things to grab. This is a interesting question especially with what happened in California. You never know. Great post.
Nov 05, 2007 09:16 AM