The Christmas 2011 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition episode airs Friday December 16, 2011. The 2011 Christmas episode was shot in Columbus last summer. I volunteered the first day but through a series of events was not able to participate but I got a T-shirt.
Breaking NEWS the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition program was canceled today. The last show of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition wil air in January 2012.
The Christmas show will air on Friday December 16, 2011 at 8:00 PM on channel 6.
EDIT - There will be a 7 PM behind the scenes show as well locally.
P & D Builders,a central Ohio custom builder razed and rebuilt the home off Cleveland Avernue in a week in the summer of 2011 with the help of a bunch of Santa Clauses for the Christmas 2011 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition episode.
In 2006 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition filmed an episode where MI Homes built a home, Real Living HER was involved with that event. That show aired in early 2007.
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Headed Back to Columbus
Delaware County Connection to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition