I've seen a lot of these from Leno. Talk a bit about misleading. I'd say looking for a huge deck was more appropriate!
need to look up the ones from Leno ... I know but isn't it funny I bet you they made lots of jokes with the agent that had the typo what a upppps:))
Bart sorry its a third language for me and I am not sure what you mean proof your ads! did I do some thing wrong?
Hi Derya,
Thanks for sharing.
This video gave me a good laugh.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Derya, I enjoyed laughing at this. Thanks for sharing. And in regard to Bart's comment -- you did not do anything wrong. He is stating that that everyone should review (proofread) their ads and try to catch goofs before everyone sees them.
Hi all Im glad you all had a laugh I laugh hard to it kind of made my day:)
Thank you so much Gary for clarifying what Bart's comment was in regards to. I have wondered if I was maybe not allowed to post it or if I may have to use special language to be allowed to post it:( I am new to blogging so still in the learning stages.