Really? Chase offers qualifying distressed homeowners up to $30,000.00 for going the short-sale route? I read about it online. As a Real Estate Professional I was intrigued by this because I know there are a lot of distressed homeowners who would like to know what the qualifications are for this short-sale incentive. Imagine being able to use this in a conversation with my clients, Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner:
Me: “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Distressed Homeowner with a Chase loan, you might qualify for a program being offered by your lender, Chase, who is offering up to $30,000.00 for going the short-sale route.
Client: Up to $30,000.00, this is a miracle! They’re actually going to help me by giving me money to do a short sale? How much money are we eligible for?
Me: Well, you have to qualify for the program first?
Client: What do we do to qualify?
Me: Well, it says you have to be a qualified distressed homeowner first.
Client: We are. How much do we qualify for?
Me: Well, it says they offer up to $30,000.00
Client: How much of that do we qualify for?
Me: Well, it says they will contact you if you qualify for this program.
Client: We haven’t heard from them.
Me: Well, don’t hold your breath, I can’t find anything about it on their website. Let me see what else I can find out and I’ll get back to you.
Is any body else intrigued by the Chase offer to qualifying distressed homeowners for up to $30,000.00 for going the short-sale route? Does anybody have more information about it? What are the qualification guidelines? Where is the money coming from? Why isn't there more information about it?