
Why is voting so difficult?

Real Estate Agent with None

Yesterday, my mother and I went to fulfill our rights as Americans.  We went to vote!  Yippy skippy Proposition 6 passed! 

However, it was quite frustrating!  We went to where we had gone in the past to vote, which is a local elmentary school.  My first question is....why would the county hold voting at an elmentary school?  It is just asking for predators.  

We arrived at the school, went inside to where we usually go, and the voting was not being held there.  We were apparently the second group who showed up to vote there that day.  No one knew where the voting was being held in place of the school.  So, we called David Kent, who is the Chairman of the Republican Party in Brazos County.  Unfortunately, he was at home, and had no access to see where we were to vote for our district.  However, he and his lovely wife gave us the phone number for the County Clerks Office.  I placed a call there, and was told the elections were being held at a church down the road.  

My mother and I then proceeded to go to the church to vote.  We parked, went to one door, found that it wasn't located there.  We were directed to a different building at the church, we parked, walked around a huge building, and found, we were still in the wrong place.  So, the kind lady at the church walked us to where we needed to go vote.  Thank goodness for her!

We went in and voted, felt good after we did.  We are blessed to live in America where our voices matter!  We walked out, and headed to our cars to go our seperate ways.  On the walk out, I became quite frustrated.  Had I not been with my mother, and she not with me, we would have given up, and not voted.  there were not flyers posted that specified, "VOTE HERE."  My second question many others gave up because the obstacles of voting we stacked against them?

If America is founded on democracy, where we have the right to voice our opinions, why is it such a battle to get to the polls?  During voting times, we should have flyers posted in public places explaining where to vote.  We should have a public website that voters can visit to find out where to vote for their district.  We should be more proactive in getting people to the polls and making it as easy as possible.  This is my new "project."   I am now committed to making voting much easier than it has been in the past!  It is our right to vote, and we shouldn't be dismayed by the obstacles!

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Bonnie & Terry Westbrook
Westbrook Realty - Ada, MI
Grand Rapids MI Real Estate
Good for you, Kelly. One person can make a difference. I will look forward to more news from Texas about voting improvements in your area.
Nov 07, 2007 06:03 AM
Tony & Darcy Cannon
Aubrey and Associates Realty - Layton, UT
The C Team
Great Post!  Thanks for being persistent.  I too, look forward to seeing the progress that you can make.  Here they vote in the schools because it's convenient and let's face it free space to the county, but I do see your point about pedifiles.  Anyway, your post was good food for thought!
Nov 07, 2007 06:15 AM
Dwayne West
Atlanta Real Estate - Canton, GA
Canton Georgia Real Estate
I am not much of a political person, but I think the problem is most people do not trust elected officials.
Nov 07, 2007 06:16 AM
Rob Arnold
Sand Dollar Realty Group, Inc. - Altamonte Springs, FL
Metro Orlando Full Service - Investor Friendly & F
For the last few years I have been skipping the polling places and voting via mail in absentee ballot.  I don't think it decreases my chance of not having my vote count.  It sure beats standing in line and dealing with the headaches at the polls.  It also gives me a chance to take my time and fill out the ballot on my own schedule.
Nov 07, 2007 06:22 AM
Kay Perry
Kay Perry, Broker - College Station, TX
Kelly, Wonderful that you are going to make it easier to find out way to the voting poll.  I voted early but that was because I just happened to be in the county courthouse and saw the sign.  We always vote early if we can.  Thanks for your persistence and yes one person CAN make a go girl.
Nov 07, 2007 09:10 AM