Admin book sharing site connects readers who have a desire to '€œgive back'€ the gift of knowledge (books)

Real Estate Agent with Grant Hickman Real Estate Advisors

A believer in small steps and sharing, St. Charles County resident Grant Hickman saw a need to pass along information so that others could enjoy what he had learned. The result is, an online book exchange site that makes it easy for members to list books, request books and receive books at no charge other than postage. Titles range from self-help, inspirational, biographies, non-fiction, cooking and business planning.


“One of our goals is to post (100) books by the end of (name month) to provide our members with a wide range of reading enjoyment and learning,” says founder Grant Hickman. “I created this site because I believe the act of giving and receiving knowledge is powerful and important. This has dramatically changed my life and I want you to share in this positive experience through reading, giving and receiving. The concept to share knowledge really isn’t mine alone. We need everyone’s contribution! By taking small steps, you help impact someone else’s life.” Hickman, who is also a St. Charles County real estate agent, designed the site to be reader and user friendly. “The sign-up process for some book sharing sites is extensively complicated. I want our readers to quickly begin sharing and reading. This is an online sharing library. In this age of digital downloaded books, there’s just something very special about holding a real book in your hands, that someone has given you, and anticipating all that the words have to offer.”